Monday, December 10, 2007

The Movies..

the movies..... "films that we like to go and watch" , that's the common definition that we like to think that's even close to describe what the word "movie" , but let me tell u my friends , that's in the past and that definition is completely mistaken...

when i think of the word " movie" , the word " set up " also comes to my mind, because honestly, that's what they really are.. Movies can set you up for the biggest disappointments of your life .
I'll give you an example for the sake of not thinking me crazy and pessimistic.... when we go to watch a romantic movie, we see 2 people walking down the street , in the rain, holding hands, maybe even sharing some ice cream and all that jazz.. and here comes the most important part ... we hear that soft music setting up the mood just right , and you catch yourself ( even you , who are not so romantic ) sighing, smiling and wishing that there was someone next to you who'd be holding your hand at that very moment, and those who actually have gone to the movies with someone they like.. they find themselves reaching for their hand, and sometimes all they get in return is a weird look and a " what's wrong with you ?? "
and what's even worse is that at the pivotal moment when the couple start to say " i love you" to each other and kiss and whatever ,the music swells up and fills the room in a way staged to make you want this to happen to you in real life at any cost.....( and girls know what i mean when i say " at any cost" !! )
here comes the disappointment part .. when you actually fall in love in real life , in your head you're expecting this music and surroundings around you to be similar to what you experienced in the movie before.. and when they DON'T actually happen, you feel incomplete , sad and unsatisfied, and you start to doubt what you really have with this someone . that was just one example for what i mean...
here's another one just to make my point clear... when you start watching an action or an adventure movie, you see the hero all brave , wearing an expensive suit and acting all james bondy..and all the girls fawning over him... and at that particular moment , you actually start to realize that THIS will never happen to you, let's be honest with ourselves, not all of us can go to exotic places every year and live the greatest adventure ever lived, right ??

HOWEVER..on the other hand. the very same movie can take you places that you've never been to before , and makes you experience feelings, and things you're pretty sure that you'll never run into throughout you life, so it's a blessing in disguise and a two-edged weapon.
My advice to you is to never get carried away, watch the movie and get out of the theater thinking" it's just a movie " , don't get hung up on every scene , and wishing you were a part of it.
God save our sanity , everyone ..