Sunday, June 10, 2007


beware and read the following at your own stake !!!!
that been said, here goes......
the pic says it all.......our lovely of alexandria.......I could almost swear that the school is conspiring to destroy not just kill DESTROY each and every one of us ..poor innocent little angels.....what did we do to deserve this ???? was it our fault that we got good grades in the secondary educations and we listed pharmacy as our choice after repeated heat /sun strokes that fateful , God-forsaken day ???!!!!!!!
let's list the reasons why i hate pharmacy ...or hate myself for throwing me into eternal hell

1) ceutical and organic chemisty ( no further explanations needed of course)
2) the way that the assissant teachers treat us as if we were roaches that they have salvaged from the sewers
3) the compeletly useless and unimaginably large courses that we have to endure let alone PASS .... (ah ya 3eeny ya ma..)
4)the smells we have to breathe thru our lungs while we wait for the oral exam .....
5)the feeling that you are nothing but a machine that has to be filled up to the top with useless garbage ..note to the fillers: the machines are about to explode in your faces ..and soon

for refrences: mariam nabil blogspot



Chocolate Dip Fries said...
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Chocolate Dip Fries said...

which leads to brain cell toxicty
Therefore,Faculty of pharmacy = anti-life

Lamma Helwa said...

ya benty belra7a shewaya mesh kdah...
ba3d kdah mesh 7atla2y 7aga tktbeha...
also el nas mesh 7atl7a2 t2ra kol dah

Lamma Helwa said...

matktby 7aga gdeda ba2a

bleuciel said...

Well, I have to sadly say that there is a huge conspiracy going on in the world!!!! My university met the same criteria, the exact same (well, except for the chemical smells, but there were smells, and none of it like roses). I think it has to be 'a must' to treat your students like crap and make them read useless shit (pardon my French) *shrugs*

But cheer up! You'll soon leave the hell hole! I suggest you do a dance of joy in the day of graduation *snickers*